Concho Valley Council of Governments

Concho Valley

Council of Governments

5430 Link Rd
San Angelo
(325) 944-9666

Area Agency on Aging

All Programs
Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley

About Us

The Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley is part of a network of 670 Area Agencies nationwide and one of 28 in the state of Texas dedicated to addressing the needs of older people and their caregivers.

We provide services throughout the Concho Valley region which consists of Coke, Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, and Tom Green Counties. The region covers over 16,000 square miles of rural West Texas. San Angelo serves as the county seat to a county population of approximately 111,823 citizens (2011 estimate) with 13.9% being persons aged 65 years and over.

We are locally sponsored by the Concho Valley Council of Governments and receive funding from Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through grants from the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.

For questions, please call or write to us at:

Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley
5430 Link Road,
San Angelo, Texas 76904
325-223-5704 x 239
Toll Free: 1-877-944-9666

Senior Sourcebook

Senior Sourcebook

The 2020 Senior Sourcebook is now available online! Click the link below to review this years publication.

The Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley updates this publication on an annual basis, in an effort to help meet the needs of Seniors throughout the Concho Valley. If you have questions related to the Resources listed, to obtain additional hard copies, or for questions related to future publications, please contact us at (325)223-5704. DISCLAIMER: The Area Agency on Aging neither endorses nor guarantees any of the services listed in this Resource Guide. All readers are strongly encouraged to always research agencies and/or services prior to purchasing or making a final choice of provider

Senior Sourcebook

Benefits Counseling and Legal Awareness

The Benefits Counseling program is addressed in the Older Americans Act of 1965. Insurance benefits and public benefits are the primary areas of involvement, with the requirement to give priority to older individuals with greatest economical need. In addition to providing counseling services, outreach activities are conducted to inform older individuals of available benefits. The Texas Administrative Code defines these two components as Legal Assistance and Legal Awareness.

Eligibility and Services

Benefits Counseling is available through the Area Agency on Aging to provide information and assistance about health insurance options, public benefits and entitlements. Help is available for persons 60 years and older and to Medicare beneficiaries of any age. Benefits Counselors can also provide intervention and advocacy when it is needed, and have access to advice from lawyers who staff the Legal Hotline for Older Texans.

Specifically, trained AAA staff assists clients in understanding public and private benefits. Assistance with pathways to finding a Medicare supplemental policy, questions about Social Security benefits, questions about insurance claim forms and hospital and doctor bills, or help with filling out a form to start Medicaid benefits are some of the areas where clients can find assistance. Benefits Counselors confer with clients over the telephone, in the office, or will make home visits where it is more convenient for the client. At the time that a client calls or comes in to the office, a particular need is targeted. The client and Benefits Counselor fill out an intake information form which the client signs giving permission for counselor assistance. Care is taken to maintain client confidentiality.
For more Information please contact us at 325-223-5704 or Toll Free at 1-877-944-9666.

Care Coordination Services

Care Coordination is a part of the Access and Assistance system offered through the Area Agency on Aging. It is a process that includes the assessment, effective planning, arranging, coordinating and follow-up on services that most appropriately meet the identified needs as mutually defined by Area Agency on Aging access and assistance staff, an older person, and/or a family member or other caregiver. The aging network uses local, state, and federal funds to provide this service to as many as possible. Client referrals are accepted from any source.

Services Provided Through Care Coordination

  • Health Maintenance: The provision of services, medications, and/or equipment which will prevent, alleviate, and/or cure the onset of acute and/or chronic illness, increase awareness of special health needs and/or improve the emotional well-being of and an older individual.
  • Income Support: A provision of aid in the form of money or goods.
  • Homemaker Services: A service provided by trained and supervised homemakers involving the performance of housekeeping and home management, meal preparation, or escort tasks and shopping assistance provided to older individuals who require assistance with these activities in their place of residence. The objective is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a safe and healthful home environment.

Care Coordination service is available to persons 60 years of age and older. Services will be targeted to those eligible persons who will be able to regain their independence by receiving short-term support services. Care plans are developed on an individual basis with input by the client and/or caregiver. It is the estimation of this agency that care plans will be no longer than three months and can be extended to six months if necessary. The program is to promote independence, not dependence.

Eligibility Requirements

Provision of services through the Care Coordination program may be given to those who:

  • Have recently been hospitalized or suffered a health care crisis (recently has been defined as within the last 30 days);
  • Have a mild to moderate impairment or a temporary severe impairment (official impairment level determined during in-home assessment by Care Coordinator);
  • Are in great economic or social need, with particular emphasis on low-income minority persons:
  • Have a limited or no formal/informal support system and Reside in a rural area.

For more information contact us at 325-223-5704 or toll free at 1-877-944-9666.

Caregiver Support Program

Families are the major provider of long-term care, but research has shown that caregiving exacts a heavy emotional, physical and financial toll. Many caregivers who work and provide care, experience conflicts between these responsibilities. Twenty-two percent of caregivers are assisting two individuals, while eight percent are caring for three or more. Almost half of all caregivers are over age 50, making them more vulnerable to a decline in their own health, and one-third describe their own health as fair to poor.

Service Provided Through The Caregiver Support Program

  • Case Management: As a caregiver you will receive help finding and accessing local resources.
  • Caregivers United Meetings: Educational events provide information to assist you in making decisions and solving problems related to your caregiver role.
    • Upcoming Caregivers United Meetings:
    • (Link to CG United Flyer)-none
    • (Link to register for CG United Meeting)-none
  • Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers™ (link below): The Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers is focused on education, support, problem-solving, and stress management. It takes a holistic approach addressing the emotional, physical, spiritual, and cognitive needs of caregivers.
  • Respite Voucher: A service provided through the consumer directed services option whereby an individual provider is chose by the Caregiver. Services are provided on a temporary basis while the primary caregiver is in need of relief )links below).
    • A Respite Guide for Caregivers and Providers
    • IRS Publication 926: Household Employer’s Tax Guide
    • Respite Program Application
  • Health Maintenance: The provision of medications, nutritional supplements, glasses, and or medical equipment necessary to promote or maintain the health and/or safety of the older individual.
  • Income Support: Assistance in the form of payment to a third party provider for services or goods that support the basic need of the individual, on behalf of an older individual or their caregiver.
  • Residential Repair: Services consist of repairs or modifications of dwelling occupied by individual that are essential for health and safety of the occupant(s). Examples: Ramps, rails, minor bathroom modifications, expand doorways (wheelchair access), and other minor home modifications.

These services work in conjunction with other State and Community-Based Services to provide a coordinated set of supports. Studies have shown that these services can reduce caregiver depression, anxiety, and stress and enable them to provide care longer, thereby avoiding or delaying the need for costly institutional care.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Informal caregivers age 18 and older providing care to individuals 60 years of age and older;
  • Informal caregivers age 18 and older providing care to individuals of any age with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders;
  • Informal caregivers age 55 and older providing care to individuals 0-59 years of age with a disability.

For questions, please send us an Email, call or write to us at:

Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley
5430 Link Road
San Angelo, Texas 76904
325-223-5704 x 239
Toll Free: 1-877-944-9666

Information, Referral & Assistance

The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) staff provides information to make informed decisions for older people, their families and advocates by phone, internet, or in person at the AAA office.

Make a Referral

For agency referrals, please click HERE to open Agency Referral Form

Resources and Contact Information

An IR&A Specialist provides thorough and unbiased information about community-wide resources and helps determine the right avenues to explore.

An IR&A Specialist will:

  • Assess the level of need
  • Evaluate resources
  • Assess response modes
  • Identify assisting community organizations
  • Provide information
  • Help locate needed alternative resources
  • Assist with linking to needed services
  • Follow up on referrals for services

The Area Agency on Aging develops and maintains a resource database, tracks service inquiries and service gaps, conducts education and outreach and coordinates with existing I&R centers such as 2-1-1 Texas of the Concho Valley.

For Information Referral & Assistance (IR&A) Contact:

Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley
5430 Link Road
San Angelo, Texas 76904
325-223-5704 x 239
Toll Free: 1-877-944-9666
Or simply dial 2-1-1, Option 1

Texas Long-term Care Ombudsman

Texas Long-term Care Ombudsman

The Texas Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program advocates for quality of life and care for residents in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Federal and state authority mandates ombudsmen to identify, investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of, residents and to provide services to help in protecting health, safety, welfare and rights.

Click HERE for additional information on Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.

Addressing Concerns

A long-term care Ombudsman receive complaints from residents of long-term care facilities, their friends or relatives and attempt to resolve those complaints within the facility. An Ombudsman will educate a resident on their rights, provide guidance and seek resolution on behalf of the resident if needed. The Ombudsman has the authority to explore problems and recommend corrective action to the facility with permission from the resident and/or their legally authorized representative. All information is confidential.

To speak with an Ombudsman about a concern or to seek guidance on your long-term care options within the Concho Valley, please contact your local Ombudsman at (325)223-5704, option 3. or in person at 5430 Link Road, San Angelo, TX 76904

Use this link to find contact information for the Ombudsman in your service area: LTC Ombudsman: Ombudsman Search | HHS (

Tools to use when choosing long-term care

Nursing Home Compare: Nursing Home Compare: Medicare provides information to help individuals decide what nursing home will meet their needs. This site allows searches by location or name of the facility and provides star ratings based off of their health inspections, staffing and quality measures. Use this link to review: Nursing Home Compare

Long-term Care Provider Search: Texas Health and Human Services provide a LTC provider Search. This website provides information on nursing homes, assisted livings and other providers in Long-term care. This search will display information regarding inspections, enforcement actions and quality measures. This site will also provide information on whether the facility takes Medicare, Medicaid and/or if they are Alzheimer certified. Use this link to review: Long-Term Care Provider Search Results | HHS (

Nursing Home Checklist: provides a checklist that can assist you on preparing how to discuss your care and options when choosing your long-term care home. Use this link to review: Nursing home checklist (

Resident Rights: Residents have rights when residing in long-term care. Federal and state laws protect rights specific to nursing home residents and state law protects rights specific to assisted living residents. Please see the link below to learn more. LTC Ombudsman: Resident Rights | HHS (

Become a Volunteer Ombudsman

The long-term care Ombudsman program have volunteers that make regular visits to residents residing in nursing home and assisted living facilities. Volunteers are provided training and ongoing support from their local ombudsman program to help advocate on behalf of residents. Training includes free certification, ongoing support with on-site experience and yearly continuing education. Volunteer hours are flexible and no prior experience is required. If you would like to help protect the qualify of life and care of anyone residing in long-term care, this opportunity is for you.

Please reach out to learn more about how you can become an Ombudsman volunteer. (325)223-5704, Option 3.
Use this link to learn more about volunteer information:Become a Volunteer LTC Ombudsman | HHS (

Publications & Library Resources

Senior Centers & Nutrition Programs

The purpose of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program is to:

  • Reduce hunger and food insecurity.
  • Promote socialization of older individuals.
  • Promote the health and well-being of older individuals and delay adverse health conditions through access to nutrition and other disease prevention and health promotion services.

Regional Senior Centers and Nutrition Sites

The Concho Valley Area Agency on Aging receives funding from the Health and Human Services Commission services to provide congregate and home delivered meals to persons 60 years of age or older in the Concho Valley Region. Persons under 60 years of age may receive services if:

  • Spouse is eligible and participates at the nutrition site;
  • Serves as a volunteer at the nutrition site in accordance with OAA standards;
  • Disabled/resides in the housing facility and wants to participate in the congregate meal program provided at the site; or
  • Disabled and lives with the person participating in congregate meal program.

Listed below are the nutrition sites and/or Senior Centers of the Concho Valley:

Coke County

Bronte Senior Citizens Center

613 East Oliver St
Bronte TX 76933
(325) 473-6471
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Robert Lee Senior Citizens Center

1402 Austin St
Robert Lee TX 76945
(325) 453-2314
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Concho County

Eden's Generation Nutrition Program

1040 E Blanchard St
Eden TX 76837
(325) 456-2240
Nutrition Site

Crockett County

Helping Hands for the Elderly, Inc

1 State Hwy 163 N
Ozona TX 76943
(325) 392-5029
Nutrition Site

Crockett County Senior Center

1 State Hwy 163 N
Ozona TX 76943
(325) 392-9094
Senior Center

Kimble County

Kimble County Meals on Wheels

404 College St
Junction TX 76849
(325) 446-3621
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Mason County

Mason Multi-Service Center

505 Moody St
Mason TX 76856
(325) 294-4073
Nutrition Site

Menard County

Menard Community Center

301 W Travis St
Menard TX 76859
(325) 396-4642
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

McCulloch County

Sunset Center

214 W Lockhart St
Brady TX 76825
(325) 597-2946
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Helping Hands Center

906 East 11th St
Brady TX 76825
(325) 597-2646
Nutrition Site

Reagan County

Reagan County Trailblazers, Inc

1205 N Montana Ave
Big Lake TX 76932
(325) 884-2376
Senior Center

Schleicher County

Eldorado Service Center

400 W Murchison Ave
Eldorado TX 76936
(325) 853-1212
Senior Center

Sterling County

Sterling County Senior Center

410 Stadium Ln
Sterling City TX 76951
(325) 378-4400
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Sutton County

City of Sonora Senior Center

102 S Wilson St
Sonora TX 76950
(325) 387-5657
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Tom Green County

Santa Fe Crossing Senior Center

702 S Chadbourne St
San Angelo TX 76903
(325) 481-2798
Senior Center & Nutrition Site

Christian Village

4225 Billie Bolin Dr
San Angelo TX 76904
(325) 949-8575
Nutrition Site

Plaza del Sol #2

4359 Oak Grove Blvd
San Angelo TX 76904
(325) 223-8895
Nutrition Site

For Home Delivered Meals in and around the City of San Angelo, please contact:

Meals for the Elderly
310 E. Houston Harte Expressway
San Angelo, Texas 76903

Texas Silver Haired Legislature

The filing period for Texans age 60 years of age and older who want to become candidates for the Texas Silver-Haired Legislature (TSHL) is from the first of January through the end of February in even numbered years. The election is held the fourth Tuesday in May.

Silver Haired legislator terms are for two years. Official responsibilities begin in June following the election. Members pay their own expenses.

Texas Silver Haired Legislature Purpose

  1. To promote good government for all Texans through active participation in public affairs;
  2. To provide an avenue through which older citizens may serve as a resource to public and private sectors, boards, and commissions that shall complement other senior citizen groups, organizations, and agencies;
  3. To develop a nonpartisan forum for older Texans to discuss senior citizen issues, debate those issues, and establish legislative priorities for the Texas Legislature to consider;
  4. To provide advocacy training enabling TSHL members to continue their role within the community setting; and
  5. To provide older Texans an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the legislative process through involvement.

Tenth Texas Silver Haired Legislature Candidacy Requirements

  • Must be 60 years of age or older on January 1 of the election year.
  • Must be a resident of the Concho Valley area in which candidacy is sought.
  • Must be a registered voter of the State of Texas.
  • Must be willing to participate in all activities that are required and expected of a legislator.
  • Must file for candidacy by completing the Candidate Information Form and an official Candidate Petition.
  • The potential candidate must complete an official Candidate Petition on which he/she must obtain 25 signatures from registered voters, 60 years of age or older at time of signing, who live in the area the candidate seeks to represent. With the submission of these forms and the payment of a $5.00 filing fee to the Concho Valley Area Agency on Aging, the person is an official TSHL candidate.

Current TSHL Representatives

Four (4) candidates will be elected from the Concho Valley. Currently serving as TSHL representatives are (3):

Cletus J. “Jim” Brisbin
120 Deerwood Drive
Sonora, TX 76950

LeeRoy Kiesling
2125 Hillside Dr.
San Angelo, TX 76904

Brigitte R. Rogers
P.O. Box 587
Sonora, TX 76950

Wayne Merrill
902 N. Main St, Unit 10
San Angelo, TX 76903-4078

TSHL Forms and Contact Information

Filing forms may be obtained from the Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley at the location listed below. For more information, please call or email:

Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley
5430 Link Rd
San Angelo, Texas 76904
Toll Free: 1-877-944-9666

Regional Advisory Committee on Aging

Advisory Committee’s Purpose

The Regional Advisory Committee on Aging (RACOA) provides a valuable service by helping the Area Agency on Aging identify needs, develop accessible services, target resources in your community and others in the Concho Valley Region. They advise and make recommendations to the Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley on Aging matters.

Our purpose is to assure that the Concho Valley is a good place to grow up and grow old. We acknowledge the independence of all persons and resources in this quest. Older people can be assured that their individual rights are valued and that our communities offer services appropriate to their preferences.

Volunteers who serve on this committee will continually advise the Area Agency on Aging of the Concho Valley on all matters relating to the development and administration of operations conducted under the area plan, representing the interest of older people in our region. The committee meets every other fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning in January, from 10 a.m. to Noon at the Concho Valley Council of Governments Regional Training Center, 5430 Link Road, San Angelo, TX.

This committee seeks to include at least one representative, who is preferably age 60 or older, from each county in the Concho Valley region. Individuals of any age 18 and older: service providers, caregivers, and those who have a genuine interest in addressing the needs of our older population are also invited to become members. Members from the media, local elected officials, health and social service agency representatives are also welcome to serve.

Operating Guidelines

At the May 2019 RACOA meeting a motion was made and approved to update the Operating Guidelines (link below). This is the second revision since the Operating Guidelines were adopted in place of the previous By-laws in 2015. The RACOA By-laws 2012 had been under review in 2014 to provide any necessary updates.

RACOA Membership Information

The membership shall stand at a maximum of 40 representatives. We currently have 18 members serving who represent the following counties: Coke, Concho, McCulloch, Menard, Schleicher, Sutton, Tom Green. If you are interested in representing Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, Sterling or Tom Green, please contact us. Fill out the form below or call the Aging Director, (325)223-5704.

Operating Guidlines

Silver Source Publications

News, Programs and Events

Please check out the Silver Source Publication below for previous news, activities, and information about the Concho Valley Area Agency on Aging, as well as programs and helpful content for seniors and older adults.

To learn more about our services, please visit the other sections of our site.

CVCOG Main Office
5430 Link Rd
San Angelo
(325) 944-9666
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